WebRing: A group of websites pertaining
to a common subject or nature, forming a continuous line. When a ring is working
correctly, a surfer is able to visit each website in the ring,
one after the other, ending up where he or she started. For more information
on webrings, visit http://www.webring.org/
The Wisconsin Pagan Web Ring is a loosely organized group of web authors
ranging in experience from novice to professional. This ring does not
exist to show off a web author's handiwork. Rather, it is another means
for Wisconsin pagans, Wiccans, Asatru, Druids, and other non-mainstream,
non-violent, earth-oriented spiritual paths to find each other and know
that they are not alone.
That having been said...
There are, of course, a few ground rules...
- You must be a Wisconsin website owner, and your
website must relate to alternative (non-mainstream) spirituality. The
website doesn't have to relate to your locality, though it certainly is
- This webring is classified as "PG", since there will presumably be
little of interest to children under 13. However, since it is not classified as
"Adult", there are a few constraints: No pornography, no violence, nothing illegal
expressed or implied. The Ringmaster (me) reserves the right to deny entrance to,
or remove, a website that doesn't meet the guidelines. (At the
bottom of this page
there is an expanded definition of "pornography", and a few rules of thumb for
webauthors who might wonder if their site fits.)
I'll listen to arguments (yes, really listen - and I can be
persuaded with rational argument), but the final decision is mine. If enough
of us want to adjust the requirements, I will defer to the majority
of the ringmembers after a formal vote.
- Light paths only. I have no quarrel with, nor do I find the dark
paths, such as Satanism, distasteful as such. But this ring is not for
them. Any Satanists, Vampyres, Goths, paramilitary pagans and the like
will have to form their own regional ring. That's just the way it is.
If you've never joined a Web Ring before, here's some
instructions and words of encouragement.
If you've heard enough and want to join NOW, here's the
submission form.
If you'd like to create your own graphics, I have a few
starter graphics if you'd care to use them.
Pornography: The definition is understandably hard to pin down. I will
attempt to differentiate between artistic nudity and prurient explicit
sex: Pornography is usually photographic and is graphic depictions of female
and male sex organs whose only purpose is gratification. For anyone who's
interested, I have few problems with pornography if all involved are consenting
adults, but that discussion is for another day. For the purposes of this ring,
it is not allowed.
Artistic nudity is usually not photographic, and contains depictions of male
or female bodies or body parts, and its purpose is usually a statement by
the author.
Bottom Line: If you think your site might be disqualified on the basis
of its graphics, submit it anyway and let me (and the ring members, if
it's so borderline I can't make up my mind), decide whether it fits.
I think it's better that you act as though the site meets the guidelines
and get rejected than not submit your site at all. If you KNOW the site
is pornographic, that's a different story.