[About Me]
Madison Area Events
Courtesy of the Madison Pagan Press
Compiled by Sian
Sian did create a calendar. The problem is,
there just isn't that much going on this summer, as
far as any of us can see. Aside from the regular
events, the Northwicke gathering which has already
happened, it's kind of a slow summer.
So. What I'll do here is keep the regular events,
as up to date as I can make it, and we'll have to
make do with that. It still won't be hard to find
contacts, since groups like the Drum Circles and
the Pagan Tea and Talk are there for all of us to
check out.
If you know of something going on that you'd like to
see listed here, mail me at
Madison Shamanic Drum Circle.
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM The second and fourth Sunday of every month. Please come promptly,
the outside door is locked at 6:00 PM.
Place: 301 South Bedford Street, at the Tai Chi Center.
Drumming Circle
Meet regularly to drum with others as creative expression or
musical meditation. No political, ethnic or religious agenda.
Beginners welcome. Meets the 1st and 3rd Sundays at the Tai Chi
Center, 301 South Bedford St, Madison. (Same place as the Madison
Shamanic Drum Circle, except on alternate sundays.)
Pagan Tea
and Talk third Friday of every month
The regular gathering of Madison area pagans. A great bunch. The meeting
place has changed once already and may change again soon, so I'm going to
avoid an outdated announcement and point you straight at the
T&T homepage.
There are more, scattered around the groups,
announcements, and access
sections. I'll add them here as I go along.
[About Me]
Updated 1/13/98.