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Access and Reference Resources
- The only Pagan and Occult search engine on the net. Nice site, and the top 20
cool pagan links of the month makes a great jumping point. Since you can search on
Wisconsin, I'm putting it on this page. If you run across a Wisconsin site that isn't
in Pathways, but is in Avatar, please let me know.
The White Buffalo
Weaving the Web, Wisconsin
- A page of Wisconsin pagan and wiccan contacts, part of a massive effort by Lady Morgan Moonstone to help the community find its kindred spirits around the world. There is also a Wisconsin Mailing list, which is in addition to Wade's Pagan Network of Wisconsin, a few listings above this one.
Wisconsin Pow Wows
- An explanation of where and how I found the source for Wisconsin
Powow dates, and how to search for them in the Calendar.
Boread Pagan Alliance
- We are a student organization at the
University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point. Our purpose is to teach all
who wish to learn what it means to walk the paths of the Old Ways, to
dispel through education, example and open discussion the darkness of fear
and misunderstanding the false stereotypes of alternative religious and
spiritual thought that pervade the common media.
A Guide to Madison Area Spiritual and Religious Resources, 1997-98
- A comprehensive listing of just about every religion, organization
and faith, covering Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Rock,
Sauk and Walworth counties in Wisconsin. Sections on New Age, Native
American, Wiccan and Pagan as well as counseling and spiritual
assistance. If the group's not in here, it's because they either
didn't want to be or are too new for this edition.
- It can be ordered through Living Gold spiritual and religious publishing.
Checks and money orders only please.
LIVING GOLD, P.O. Box 5207,
Madison, WI 53705-0207
$7.50 + $2.50 (s/h/tax) = $10 each
- In Madison, it is at Borders, University Bookstores, Frugal Muse,
Canterbury's, Shakti, Madison Church Supply, Willy Street Co-op, Rainbow
Book Co-op. It is (or will be) at Prairie Bookshop (Mt Horeb), Earthsong
(Janesville), A Different World and Autumn Moon (Beloit), Heart and Soul
(Lake Geneva), Phoenix Rising (Portage), Book World (Baraboo, Wisconsin
Dells) and other cities and towns throughout South Central Wisconsin.
Duster's Native
American White Buffalo Page.
- This page isn't exactly local, but it's the most comprehensive I
could find on Miracle, the White Buffalo born in Janesville, Wisconsin on
August 20, 1995.
It links to several newspaper articles on the birth and subsequent events
up to the present day.
The Madison Pagan Press
- A single sheet newsletter dedicated to the pagan community in
Madison and the surrounding area. Along with local and national
news, they put out a pretty good
calendar of local
events. Free. Disributed to the following Madison establishments:
Shakti, A Room of One's Own, Magic Mill, Willy St. Co-Op,
Border's Bookstore, By the Light of the Moon, and the UW Unions.
To get a copy in snailmail, contact:
Pagan Press
P.O. Box 7802
Madison WI 53707-7802
- Madison's Alternative Page
- This one's pretty new, so most of the listings are waiting for
entries as of 7/9/97, but I was never one to wait until everything
worked perfectly before hitting the start button. I'm sure MAP will
be around for quite some time.
"Madison Wisconsin's unique flavor is a result of its wide variety of
alternative businesses. The MAP is your key to finding all the
information you need when it comes to organically grown food,
massage therapy and everything in between."
The Midwestern U.S. Pagan
- Heavy emphasis on the Chicago area, and frankly pretty light on Wisconsin (as of 3/28/97), but
it's still under construction, and I'm sure it will grow into its name. Just attempting to keep
track of an area that size is surely the action of a special sort of person.
The Pagan WebWeaving Page
- Amy has created a resource for pagans around the country and the world to
search for and find each other. It appears to be working just fine. Bless
her heart.
Calendar of Pagan Events
- In case I've missed anything, here's a rather extensive calendar
of events nationally. Several Wisconsin listings. Later this summer
maybe I can pull the local things into a Wisconsin calendar. For now,
this will have to do.
Grove: Pagans desiring to meet Pagans:
- One small part of Ashlynn's Grove
Witches Voice "Witchcraft in Wisconsin" page.
- The Witch's Voice in Boston is one of the premier pagan and wiccan sites on the net. When you're as well known as they are, it's a little easier to find people to list up. :-)
So surf on over to the Wisconsin section and start making contact. The list has become a lengthy compendium of web pages, merchants, and pagans looking for kindred spirits. Remember that a listing in Spirit Pathways or Witches Voice is not a guarantee of character, and to quote the Witches Voice, "...as with any new contact in cyberspace or on the physical plane use wisdom and caution in your approach and dealings."
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Last Updated: May 18, 2001