Ack. I don't have the faintest idea what to do with this page anymore. Since
the Calendar went into operation, it doesn't really
serve a purpose. That should be obvious by the fact that the latest entry here
is from 1999. I leave it here because it's a bit of website history that I'm
reluctant to just toss away (ask Denise or any of my ex-partners if the word
"pack rat" applies.) and because I've become a tad busy of late, updating
other pages on this site, volunteer work with a couple others, buying a house,
and webmastering for another site on the side, and I haven't been able to remove
the links to this page from all over the rest of the site. So sue me. Anyway,
here it remains until I either find a use for it, or remove all references to
it. Which means it will be here for a while.
Dan, April 19, 2001
WOW! What a Summer and Fall!
There are also events going on in, (at last I checked,) 27 other states, as well as two canadian provinces, so this is indeed, a part of something much larger.
The first planning meeting will be on Sunday, July 25th, at Motherfools coffeehouse on Williamson Street, at 5 p.m. I'm looking for people to help plan parts of the event, share ideas, and generally help get this set up.
Please contact
Maevele S.A. Straw,
with any questions, or to volunteer, or just to make sure you get notified of updates.
We're scheduling one day a month for weeding and spruce up. The Labyrinth is looking so beautiful, we're going to keep it that way. :-) Contact Cynthia for the exact day which we have yet to work out.
What is a Labyrinth? The Labyrinth symbolizes unity and wholeness; it is an ancient blueprint used in different forms for about 4,000 years. The Dixon Labyrinth will be a 60-foot diameter circular sacred design, to be walked as a spiritual meditation, in addition to being a beautiful garden design to behold. The entire outer circle of the labyrinth will be planted with donated hostas and short grasses, so we're really hoping to get a lot of neighborhood folks who have hostas that need dividing. Then there will be swaths of color, daylilies as you enter, changing to purple asters, and bright orange butterfly weed, which also attracts butterflies, and produces attractive seedheads in the fall.
The design requires the walker to begin at the outside of the circle and wind slowly in toward the center and then wind slowly out again, using the exact same path. The meditation focuses mindfulness first on "shedding". As you walk in it is time to release and let go the details and tensions of your life. At the center of the l abyrinth is "Illumination." At this point be still; it is a place of meditation, listening and feeling the Presence. Receive what is there for you to receive. Then as you walk out of the labyrinth you reach the third stage "Union." At this point you feel one with God, neighbor, self, and nature. Each time you walk the Labyrinth you become more empowered to find and do the work your soul is calling you to.
Anyone who is interested will be welcome to participate. Any comments, questions, or donations can go to Cynthia Zick, Master Gardner, 1996, '97, '98 at 608-241-9127, or
For those interested and having access to the internet, there are many fascinating sites, and labyrinths that have been made of sweet peas, candles, fabric with floral design, stones, turf, - all kinds of labyrinths. They are really becoming popular these days. Adrienne Sager teaches a Labyrinth Class at both Edgewood and MATC.
Some of the above information was obtained from these excellent sites:
A Pagan Perspective airs Fridays at 5:30 PM on WYOU cable channel 4, Madison.
Contributors Wanted: A Pagan Perspective seeks musicians, storytellers, and other pagan folks to come on the air, and tell us what you know. If you are interested in being a part of show, please leave a message for Phoenix care of WYOU (608) 258-9644, or e-mail at
So far, A Pagan Perspective has put out four shows. Phoenix will be interviewing Yours Truly, early in December for a show on area techno-pagans. I'll try not to look or act too foolish. :-/ I'm going to try and get a tape of those first four shows (For those of you not in Madison: I can't see it either. I live in Fitchburg.) and I'll make dupes for anyone who wants to contact me and send in a blank tape or the money to buy one. I'll also see what I can do about getting tapes of upcoming shows. Let's all hope this is an endeavor that lasts, and encourages copycats across the land. :-)
Circle Sanctuary sponsors festivals, classes, and other events on its land, in nearby Madison, and elsewhere. Circle Sanctuary is located about an hour's drive west of Madison on a 200 acre sacred Nature preserve. Event information is posted on-line at
A free bulletin and catalog which includes event information is available:
telephone: (608) 924-2216
fax: (608) 924-5961
postal address: Circle Sanctuary, PO Box 219, Mt. Horeb, WI 53572 USA
But today's news is wonderful. The tests have been very good, and although there are a few more to do, she feels ready to begin the effort - in a somewhat limited fashion - again.
A Yuletime issue is probably not, pardon the expression, in the cards. She's trying but there isn't enough time to get events information out to the public in time to do any good. However, don't let that stop you from sending her any information on your group. The first issue will come out... when it comes out. :-) After that, issues will appear once a season.
She has indicated that the last few issues have taught her how much money is involved, even for a simple newsletter. So Sian will be accepting ads for either this edition or next. If you have a merchant you like, or know anyone offering workshops or related services, let me know and I'll see she gets it.
Hello! My name is Skip and I live in Madison. Currently I am involved
in a video project and am interested in including a piece about
Paganism/Wicca. This is a completely amateur production and hope to have it
shown on cable access channel 4 (WYOU) here in Madison. I write you because I
am seeking people to do on-camera interviews. The purpose of the piece is to
give the viewer a general introduction to Paganism/Wicca but I hope that each
interviewee will give us some insight as to how their beliefs have affected
their lives.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the email address below.
Thanks in advance,
The birthday party went on, and it was wonderful. Here's an incomplete, sometimes inaccurate, synopsis of our day at the Heider farm.
Okay, you got me. It's not summer any more. Doesn't matter. The Conclave still has events scheduled, and you might as well go check them out. :-)
Saturday, June 14, 1997
My girlfriend and I are looking to start our own coven - we were members
of another, yet the youngest other than us was 35 to 40 years old...
thats nearly twice as old as either of us!
So we are looking for others about our age - between 13 and 25. I am 17 (18 in early August), my girlfriend is 16. We are in the Fox Valley area (Appleton/Kaukauna). We aren't very particular about people, but prefer those who are open-minded, but not TOO open-minded (we don't want to end up associated with any illegal activity... I state this because, of course, I'm focusing on a younger teen/early adult audience, which is notorious for trying new things, regardless of personal safety - by the goddess, I should know... and learn.) If you are interested, or know someone who is interested, please email me at
The following is taken from a Spirit Pathways guestbook entry. It concerns
a group in Richland Center, Wisconsin who are working to stop a large
factory-style hog raising company from establishing a plant in their
Thanks for your call Dan,
I've included my correct E-mail address. I have a Shamanic Practice, and
teach Shamanism here. Our community of spiritual people living close to
the land, is growing and connecting with many others in the US. We are
asking spiritual support as we work with the local community and
government to keep a large pig containment facility from moving in. They
have left a destructive path in other states and are starting to move into
WI. here next to us and our beautiful lands. Thanks for your interest and
Jaes <>
Richland Center, WI USA - Monday, March 24, 1997 at 20:19:25 (CST)
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Last Updated: 4/2/99