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Spirit Pathways
Groups and Organizations
Coven of the Unhewn Stone, Appleton
- We are a Wiccan Coven based in the Principles of Wiccan Belief as published
by the American Council of Witches. We gather to celebrate and worship the
Lord and Lady throughout the wheel of the year at sabbats and esbats, recognizing
and revering the divinity in all living things. We are non-hierarchical and
private in our practice.
Email us at: unhewn@tds.net
Ashland Coffee Coven
- Merry Meet! My name is Dragonfly, and I'm new to the Ashland area. I'd like
to meet other pagans around here, and thought it would be a good idea to start
a "coffee coven" where we can meet and mingle in an informal, non-threatening
atmosphere. It will be very discreetly managed, so if you are the flamboyant
type, this may not be for you.
If you are interested, please email me at medea3@webtv.net
and tell me a bit about yourself, and any ideas you have to contribute. This
is in the beginning stages, so any comment/advice is welcome. I hope to hear
from you soon!
Green Bay
The Grove of the Golden Oak, Green Bay
- We are a Keltrian Druid Grove, dedicated to following the ways of the Henge
of Keltria. We were born on Samhain 1996, and currently have a small membership. Our
goal is to achieve personal growth through the development and exercise of
Mind, Body and Spirit. We are the only Druid Grove within Northearstern Wisconsin
that we are aware of.
- Anyone who wishes more information or would like to become a member of our
Grove, please feel free to contact us. We do offer a study course in Keltrian
- We look forward to hearing from you.
Walk With Wisdom And Travel True
The Grove of the Golden Oak is going through a period of transformation. I
have been informed that they may or may not be disbanding. In any event, they
no longer have a snailmail address and their email address has changed to:
Circle of the Silver Dragonfly Coven
- Circle of the Silver Dragonfly is an eclectic coven in the Janesville
area. Check out our website at
http://www.geocities.com/dragonflycoven for more information.
Our group was founded in December 2000 by Belladonna Moonchilde and Rhiannon
Dragonfly. This is not a virtual coven. Our members meet face to face
for meetings ane rituals.
- A chapter is being formed in the Racine-Kenosha-Waukegan area. Email to
StarWeaver starw@execpc.com for details.
La Crosse
of the Laughing Oak Coven
- We are the Grove of the Laughing Oak, an eclectic neo-pagan/wiccan group
centered in La Crosse, Wisconsin. We start year and a day teaching circles
in November of each year. We are very eco-pagan, and interested in networking
with other groups in our area. We hold open rites on the solstices and equinoxes.
We are the co-organizers of the La Crosse Area Pagan Pick up and Earth Day
Rite, held in La Crosse. For more information check out our new improved web
site at: http://communities.msn.com/AcornFellowshipHomePage
or email me, nic Morrigan at nicmorrigan@hotmail.com
of Fire Protogrove, ADF
- We are a local congregation of Ar n'Draiocht Fein: A Druid Fellowship (www.adf.org).
We honor the Celtic pantheons and have several public rituals each year. We
also provide a weekly study group for ADF's Dedicant Program (introductory
Druidry training that is also the first step to legal ordination), general
meetings, and regular land clean up dates. Our goal is to serve the Gods and
our community with excellence. We are active in the Coulee region and nearby
areas of MN. All are welcome to attend our events. Contact us at riveroffire@mac.com
or write to:
River of Fire Protogrove, ADF
PO Box 2282
La Crosse WI 54602-2282
White Owl Coven - La Crosse
- White Owl Coven is a group of like-minded Goddess women who come together
to do magic both individually and collectively. We are all female in membership
and center our attention on women's spiritual and psychological needs and
experiences. The coven is structured heterarchically, with shared power among
all members and makes decisions by consensus whenever possible. Our coven
work emphasizes only the Goddesses in Earth-based ritual and activities. We
meet two times each lunar cycle: at the new moon and at the full moon. The
membership of White Owl Coven is by invitation only. New members are invited
to join the circle as apprentices. Contact: snowwolfe@aol.com
Communities Drumming Circle, Madison.
Practicing shamanism to celebrate life!
- Meets 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 6-8 p.m.at the Tai Chi Center, 301
South Bedford Street, Madison; Wisconsin. A $3 donation is requested to help
cover rent and supplies. Contact Jim or Ann at 608-839-5115, or
email allcommunities@shamanicpaths.com
for further information--or just show up! No prior shamanic experience
necessary. Drums, rattles, or other rhythm instruments are encouraged. We
welcome families, couples, friends, and neighbors! Specific dates may be verified
by checking Wisconsin
Spirit Pathways Spiritbase Events Calendar
The All Communities Drumming Circle works with drumming and shamanic experiences
to build community and strengthen our connections with the Earth.
of the Dragon's Weave coven, Madison.
- We are a traditional Wiccan coven with a HP and HPs with 12 years of combined
experience in training students in the Wiccan religion. We both hold elder
credentials with Covenant of the Goddess and are 3rd degrees in a number of
traditions. We admit folks by personal interview only. Our training
is rigorous, but fun. If you are serious about wanting to learn Wicca and/or
becoming clergy, you may contact us at: drgnswve@mailbag.com
for more info.
Earth Conclave, Inc.
- The Earth Conclave, Inc. is an educational organization dedicated to:
- integrating the personal and political with the spiritual
- encouraging dialogue on all aspects of culture and community building
- examining personal, inter-personal, community and global relationships
and interactions
- promoting explorations of the many perspectives reflected in our global
- facilitating change through experimentation and evaluation of new syntheses
in art, science, lifestyle and philosophy as tools for the integration
of the personal, the political and the spiritual.
Germanic Heathenism group in Madison
- A group is being formed for the study and practice of Germanic Heathenism,
specific activities to depend on the interests and backgrounds of those who
contact me. The group will focus on Heathen spirituality and culture; use
of the group to promote politics, racialism or homophobia will not be tolerated.
Interested parties please contact William at tysgodhi@travelin.com
Area Pagans Yahoo Group
- A Yahoo online club formed for Madison Area Pagans.
Madison Religious Science Society.
- Rev. Linda Ingram, Intern Field Minister.
Sundays, 10:30 a.m., Inn on the Park, 22 South Carroll St., Madison
(608) 845-8955. Email to: SOMREV@aol.com
Madison Shamanic
Drumming Circle.
- The Madison Shamanic Drumming Circle is a community circle open to those
who have some experience with Shamanic Journeying. The circle focuses on introducing
people to different aspects of shamanism with subjects such as personal healing,
community ritual and tools for spiritual growth. Please
see our introduction page for more info.
Meet at: Tai Chi Center, 301 South Bedford St, Madison. 6 p.m., 2nd Sunday
of each month.
Contact: Ana; coyote@mailbag.com
Metaphysical Church in Madison.
- (I pulled this one from a classified in Isthmus 7/4/97.)
- Guilt Free Spirituality.
- No shoulds, sin, or dogma either.
- Metaphysical Church meets Sundays, 10:30 AM at
- 1011 Nichols Rd.
- Call 224-1050 for Information.
Faerie Brotherhood
- A communication and scheduling forum for the Moon Faerie Brotherhood. A
pagan group for gay, bi, queer, questioning men in Madison, WI. We meet twice
a month for coffee and chat, and are working to connect queer men with the
many pagan events that are happening around Wisconsin.
Web address: http://www.yahoo.com/group/moonfaeries
email: silvergrove1@hotmail.com
or Litoos@tds.net
Pagan Mens Alliance, Madison Area.
- Forming now, a Pagan Mens Alliance for Madison and surrounding areas. Focussing
on consciousness raising, workshops, mutual support, and rites. All interested
folk please email at fram@itis.com or call
608-238-3098 and leave a message for Mark. Open to all ages.
Re-formed Congregation of the Goddess-International (RCG)
- RCG is an international women's religion, providing the benefits and recognition
of an organized religion to its members, while at the s ame time finding woman-centered
ways to express our beliefs and dreams. The Congregation provides the spiritual,
ethical and social structure so essential to validating women's experience.
PO Box 6677, Madison, WI 53716;
or call (608) 226-9998, Tues.-Fri., 1-5 pm (Central Time).
For a more detailed description of RCG, click on the link
in the title.
-- Church of All Worlds
- StarSpring
Nest holds monthly rituals in Mt. Horeb area on the 4th Saturday
of every month as well as a 3 day camp out and BelSummer Gather each year.
We also sponsor the Madison area Pagan Tea & Talk on the 3rd Friday of every
month. Email oakwind@chorus.net for
Water Weavers, Magic Dreamers,
- a new Protonest in the Madison area holds meetings and rituals in Madison.
Email aeona@aol.com for information.
- Goddess spirituality for Women in the Madison area
Matrilocal is a consecrated circle of the Re-formed Congregation of the Goddess,
an international women's religion which provides the recognition and benefits
of organized religion to its members. Matrilocal Circle is incorporated in
the State of Wisconsin and recognized as a tax-exempt religious and educational
organization by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
Men's Spirit Group in the Madison Area:
- The First Unitarian Society has a Men's Spirit group which meets monthly.
This is not necessarily a pagan group, but men from many different spiritual
paths get together to discuss their awakening sense of Spirit. Contact the
First Unitarian Society for details, 608-233-9774. They'll give you the name
of the current group contact.
MoonShadow Coven, Wisconsin Rapids
- Moonshadow meets bi-weekly for study, with one meeting in Madison hosted
by Lord Randwulf and Lady Katrika, and one hosted by Sarinaya in Nekoosa,
and for ritual on the Sabbats. We welcome visitors and new members in both
Anyone in the area can contact MoonShadow by e-mail: katrika17@hotmail.com.
Rose Network
- We are a group of friends who don't have regular study groups or meetings
but we do like to correspond with anyone looking for information. We are a
collection of groups, groves, covens, poets, storytellers, lightworkers, merchants
& Herbalists.
Write to:
Sacred Rose
PO Box 243
Marshfield, WI 54449
email: network@sacredrose.com
Web: http://www.sacredrose.com
Cranberry Coven
- Cranberry Coven is a child-friendly, eclectic Wiccan group (currently six
adult members with ages ranging from 21 through 46) that meets for classes,
New and Full Moons, and for celebrating the Wheel of the Year. Cranberry is
currently open to new members (as of October of 2002) so send me an e-mail
(Michael Newmark - bornless_one2@yahoo.com)
and we can talk!
Dragon Family
- A Milwaukee ProtoNest of the Church of All
The mission of Dragon Family Nest is to develop a multi-generational extended
family of water siblings; to provide safe space for family members to explore
alternative lifestyles and love styles; to support family members in their
quest for freedom, personal growth, and self-actualization; to provide for
continuity of the family into the future; and to purchase and manage land
for the purpose of teaching these principles.
Twilight's Calling
- We are a small eclectic coven in the Milwaukee area in search of others
to join a study group. We currently have members on Celtic, Norse, Wiccan,
and many other paths. We are open to new ideas and welcome variety in our
group. Invitation is by personal interview only. Please e-mail TwilightsCalling@yahoo.com
for more information.
- Located in Milwaukee, WI, the Volsung Kindred is an Asatru kindred open
to folk of all races and religious backgrounds who seek the Aesir and Vanir.
Check out our web site!!
Circle Sanctuary
- International headquarters, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin.
Circle comprises a network of Pagan, Wiccan, Goddess and Shamanic gatherings
from around the country and the world. Directed, more or less, by Selena Fox.
The Circle home page is an extensive informational site, to say the least.
MoonShadow Coven, Wisconsin Rapids
- Moonshadow meets bi-weekly for study and for ritual on the Sabbats. One
meeting in Madison is hosted by Lord Randwulf and Lady Katrika, and Sarinaya
hosts meetings in Nekoosa. We welcome visitors and new members in both locations.
Anyone in the area can contact MoonShadow by e-mail: katrika17@hotmail.com.
Coven of the Harmonic Nature
- This Coven is run by only two people, a friend of mine, and myself. We've
been practicing magick for two years, started at 16. We study a wide range
of subjects, and we also have meetings when the weather permits. For more
information on our group:
E-Mail : masek@genevaonline.com
Draxzayvan K. Myrdandine,
Follower of Merlin's Dream
County Pagan Alliance
Rock County (Janesville, Beloit, Edgerton, etc.)
- The Rock County Pagan alliance was formed to unite Pagans in the Rock County
area. This is NOT a Coven. We have an e-mail list and plan on meeting face
to face for monthly meetings. Membership is open to any Pagan or Pagan-friendly
- Blessed be!
P.O. Box 42, Saukville, WI 53080
- The Lodge was founded on Ancestor Night, in 1995.
- Originally, the basic religio-principles were that of Odinism, but grew
into a practice of Keltic, Norse and Pictish beliefs. The Founders, B. Nicneven
(Hereditarily born into the Craft, and initiated into the Druidic Lodge of
the Northern Lighthood - Lughnasadh, 1985); J. Nicneven (Handfasted into the
Craft of the Wise - 1992, and initiated into the Keltic tradition - Lughnasadh,
1993); C. Nelsen (Hereditarily born into the Craft, and initiated into the
Norse tradition - Fall Evenight, 1991).
- We welcome and invite all those who are interested to contact The Lodge
at DDRAIG5@aol.com or The Lodge, P.O. Box 42, Saukville, WI 53080...... The
Lodge is dedicated to revitalizing the Norse/Keltic and Pictish traditions
in a manner which promotes honour and understanding. Hail Ymir!
email to: LODGE YGGDRASILL DDRAIG5@aol.com
Dragon's Grove Coven, Sheboygan
- Traditional Wiccan training coven. Opened at Yule, 1994, Dragon's Grove
offers classes, Sabbat celebrations, and various other activities. If you
are interested in connecting with us or receiving more information, e-mail
us at DrgnsGrove@aol.com.
Coven, Sheboygan
email: Shahara LeFay at [TSLcoven@aol.com]
- Eclectic Celtic-Faerie Tradition...coven open to families, singles, children
welcome. Pagan Family Values!!
Sheboygan, WI USA
The Essence Of The Earth Coven
Located in Southern WI & State Line area
We are a group of eclectic Witches that practice Witchcraft, Wicca & Pagan
we currently have members in the Rock and Walworth counties We worship the
Earth and the Sky God and Goddess, we do take the craft very seriously and
extend a warm welcome to those that have a serious desire to learn and are
willing to take the craft seriously to keep an even positive energy flow
within the coven, we like to gather on sabbats and esbats, our ideal group
size 13-???? if you are interested or have any questions please contact
Shadow Wolf at curtis@ticon.net
Twin Cities Area
Harmony Tribe was established in 1998. We are composed of a group of individuals
who have come together for the common purpose of hosting a magic pagan festival
during the harvest season; The Sacred Harvest Festival. This is our fourth
year of learning to work together, make decisions, and structure ourselves
as a tribal council. We have some common ground philosophically and spiritually.
Some explore various pagan religions, including Shamanism, Wicca, and other
Earth based and Earth Friendly beliefs. Others come to experience creating
something beyond yourself: the Building of a Tribal Community! We welcome
all who embrace nature spirituality in some form. Acceptance is our desire;
tolerance, respect, and love our rule. We are learning together... Will
you join us?
Wisconsin Dells
New Coven Forming
We are forming Wisconsin Dells group and are looking for others to join.
This group is for anyone who is seriously interested in it...you can email
me at tinsel@merr.com.
The Sanctuary of the Crescent Moon
~ Olde Dianic Wicca ~
"We all come from the Goddess~ and to Her we shall return..."
We welcome you to enjoy our Women's Mystery Coven ~ Homewood, Illinois
Sancta Luna and our Open School of General Wicca and Metaphysics ~ Sancta Sol
All services are free of charge ~ ALWAYS.
Visit our website: http://sanctamoon.8m.com
In Her Service, Blessed Be, Lady Paulette
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Last Updated: June 23, 2001