In order to create a cohesive magickal community, operating upon a
foundation of honor, we have much work to do. As a result of coming of age
in a sexist, racist, classist, homophobic society, we all have some
patterning and programming to be undone. The extent and kind of programming
that we have to undo depends upon our original position in the social power
structure; unique issues exist for survivors of childhood physical, sexual,
or emotional abuse. All of our primary relationship models must be called
into question so that we can undo a power-over society mode and create a
nurturing, power-with society.
However, this is not an easy task. It requires an almost complete
dismantling of the present personality and a reclaiming of the childhood
self. This is sacred healing and is best done in a supportive, nurturing
When the personality dismantling occurs it often appears in a manner which
shamans would refer to as a “symbolic death.” This is both a traumatic and
a cathartic experience. It can be as short-lived as a flash of lightning,
or as intensely drawn-out as years of psychoanalysis. Regardless, the
internal experience can be ego-shattering while the external appearance can
be that of a crazy person. None-the-less, this is a very valid and
necessary step towards actualizing the True Self and, as such, it needs to
be accorded the respect it is due for the vital role it plays.
This process, which tends to the reclaiming of the childhood self, is the
same process which incest survivors and Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA)
need to undergo in order to heal. Therefore, many of these survivors are
called to pursue a Wiccan or Pagan path as they realize that a religious
lifestyle containing an ethical code of self-empowerment is the key to
their healing. Hence, we often find that a large percentage of people with
whom we are working magick are undergoing ego dismantlement.
This brings into question: how do we work with those who are undergoing an
exorcism of childhood trauma? One of the most essential answers to keep in
mind is that we are all working the same process-- it’s just a matter of
degree. Be compassionate. There is a fine line of distinction between
responding to a person in a supportive manner, which creates an atmosphere
for self-actualization, or in a co-dependent manner. When one responds
co-dependently they are re-victimizing the survivor and avoiding their own
issues. Much ACOA literature has been devoted to co-dependency and contains
relevance for all, not just adult children.
A more serious re-victimization has been occurring from within our
community by means of shunning. By “shunning” I refer to a complete
avoidance of someone in all situations: social, personal, and ritual.
Although I would not advocate working ritual with someone you are
uncomfortable with, a shunning situation can be very conflicting for those
caught in the crossfire, as well as harmful to the one who is shunned.
This is complicated because at times, for one’s own self-defense, shunning
is appropriate. A question which is essential for clarifying the
appropriateness of shunning is: has this person truly harmed me? Not, does
this person make me uncomfortable because I can't deal with my feelings
which are aroused when I’m around them, but: have they truly, maliciously
harmed me? If the answer is no, then the next question should be: what does
this person trigger in me? The answer to this question will most likely be
a key to one’s own healing. Remember, we are all working the same process.
Failure to ask these questions of oneself while perpetuating a shunning
situation is a basic violation of the Wiccan Rede, as it does cause harm.
In a close-knit Pagan community issues will continue to arise; none of us
are healed to perfection. We are not apples, reaching an inner core, but
onions, with always one layer below the current one. It is through
successful resolution of conflict that our psyches are able to evolve and
restructure. It is through the intimacy of trust and support that we are
able to successfully resolve conflict. That intimacy develops as we work
together to create a power-with society by pursuing our own True Self while
experiencing the touch of the Goddess.