Note: RCG has their own
site. The page you're looking at right now was created with RCG's
blessing in 1998 since they had no webspace of their own at the time. Spirit
Pathways is a listing of alternative spiritutal resources, of which RCG is one,
and I was honored to help them out. I've now been notified that their page is
mostly complete and have linked their listing in the groups
section to their own site. I'm leaving this one up because of the large number
of links to it, but it's only here for redirect. For current information, I
refer you to the official RCGI site,
Dan, March 24, 2001
RCG is an international women's religion, providing the benefits and recognition
of an organized religion to its members, while at the s ame time finding woman-centered
ways to express our beliefs and dreams. The Congregation provides the spiritual,
ethical and social structure so essential to validating women's experience.
The name was chosen to reflect the matriarchal origins of women's religion,
acknowledging that this is not the first time that women have recognized the
need to express our intuitive and spiritual selves in a supportive structure
with other women. We are not beginning to find each other and our spiritual
beliefs for the first time, but are re-membering and re-forming the ancient
congregations of the Goddess. RCG-International is incorporated in the state
of Wisconsin as a not-for-profit and recognized by the US Internal Revenue Service
as a tax-exempt religious and educational organization.
Local chartered Circles of the Congregation currently exist in Wisconsin, California,
Texas, Minnesota, and New York.
Projects of RCG-International include:
For more information, send SASE with inquiries to:
Box 6677, Madison, WI 53716;
or call (608) 257-5858, Tues.-Fri., 1-5 pm (Central Time).
Free brochure with SASE. Sample copy/$4. Cost for a one-year
subscription is $15-$35 on a sliding scale (add $5 for first class);
$25-$45 (US funds only, please) outside US.
Note: our sliding
scale allows you to select how much you wish to contribute.
You may choose the price of your subscription anywhere between
the amounts designated. Network membership (available only with
newspaper subscription) is $10 additional. Mastercard/Visa accepted.
Box 6677, Madison, WI 53716
or call (608) 257-5858.
[About Me]
Last Updated: March 24, 2001